Tuesday 21 October 2014

Worlds top addictions

10. Work

Seriously, did I misspell it or you misread it? Work-taught to us since we were handed a pencil and notebook turned into an addiction. When did that happen? The best addiction and the best adjective ’workaholic’ describes a potential leader. Hard work is the key to success. Work hard and you shall reap success and what not! But when you have too much on your plate, can’t think of anything else your work, it is a high sign that your dedication has turned to an obsession. The best ways to take care of it- a day off, chill and relax spend time with family.

9. Shopping

Compulsive or not, shopping is the worst enemy of the fairer sex. We don’t think twice before entering a shop with big neon signs ‘sale’ winking at us. The price tags bother us for a moment or twice but it is no big deal. We have the money and an uncontrollable urge to spend. Shopping is good so far it doesn’t get into one’s habit and an all-too-real problem. It often becomes an excuse to get over an emotional catastrophe. When your habit starts burning a hole in your spouse’s pockets, it is high time that you stop being a spendthrift.

8. Food

Eating should be a comfortable experience, not the one where you are too busy gorging and stuffing yourself with junk. Getting over a break-up? Let’s get you an ice-cream bucket. Or better let’s order something at home and chuck the worries, enjoy the food. We never realize when this way-out becomes our addiction and we see ourselves entering almost every food outlet. Moreover internet has made it so easy and feasible for us to order food. Your favorite pizza is just a click away. Worse even, we hardly burn those extra calories and head towards obesity. Two thumbs down to this addiction.

7. Internet

When the resource turns ugly, it turns against us. Internet is one such resource. No one will deny the multi-purposed network uses in our life. Music, videos, blogs, movies, news and weather, information, social networking are on our tongue tips. Who is hot and who is not, the latest updates, entertainment insights, internet has crept stealthily into our lives like a slow drug. Its use turns into compulsive obsession when we refresh the webpages every ten seconds. We become restless when our status is not liked and our photos are not commented upon. If an individual wants to be online always, S/he is hit by the internet bug.

6. Affairs

While it is normal to have a healthy interest in one’s love life, a person addicted to it is likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. They may be visiting red light areas, having extra marital affairs and engaging themselves in unsafe conditions. Internet has revolutionized obscene videos and its sites in a rampant fashion. When this addiction turns to something more or less than a crime, we begin blaming the internet and the social media for spoiling us. But throughout the picture, we remain in the center stage and it is us who need to control our obsession with it.

5. Gambling

Gaming is not illegal but when monetary resources are involved and used as bait, it turns to gambling. People in the earlier stages of this vice are quickly able to get over. But those who are affected by problem gambling find it absolutely impossible to leave. In spite of having problems in the family, incessant fights with partner, desolation; the person finds himself getting indulgent. While on one hand, there stands a risk of losing almost everything to others; on the bright side, we think of it as the easiest and the quickest way to earn money. Gambling is not a bad thing if it is done within the framework of fun and enjoyment. When despite the fact it hampers us, we refrain from bailing our money; that is a sign we are addicted.

4. Drugs

Substance dependence or drug addiction is a compulsive physiological need to function properly. When the substance is unavailable the user suffers from withdrawal. Depending on the jurisdiction, addictive drugs may be legal as far as they are prescr

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