Monday 20 October 2014

Amazing architecture

Gavi Gangadareshwara Temple 

This Cave Temple is an example of Indian rock-cut architecture. This 9th century temple is said to have been cut out of a single rock and is also famous for its stone discs in the forecourt. It is one amongst the few temples in Bangalore dedicated to Lord Shiva, the main idol being a Shivalinga. The front of the temple is adorned by a sculptor of Nandi.

The temple also has a rare sculpture of the fire god Agni, with his two heads, seven hands and three legs. This temple see’s the largest crowd on the festival of Shivaratri. Devotees gather here on Makara Sankaranti day when it is believed that at a particular moment in the evening the sun’s rays fall directly on the Shivalinga inside the cave

Thousands of devotees come in middle January every year on Makar sankranti Day to this cave temple. This is a special day when the sunrays fall on the Shivalinga for one hour as it passes between the horns of the Nandi. Such was the knowledge of architecture and astronomy that the ancient sculptors could craft the horns of the stone bull outside the temple so that the sun's rays would pass through its horns and light up the deity ShivaLinga inside the cave.

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